privacy policy

Web-san LLC (hereinafter referred to as ``the Company'') collects personal information related to customers and Dreamers (hereinafter collectively referred to as ``Customers, etc.'') in the services provided by the Company. will be handled as follows.

1. Definition of personal information <br>Personal information refers to information about living individuals that can identify a specific individual, such as name, date of birth, gender, telephone number, e-mail address, occupation, place of work, etc. Refers to personal information as stipulated in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Personal Information Protection Act).

2. Acquisition and use of personal information <br>We will use personal information only within the scope of the following purposes.
After agreeing to our company's use of personal information in accordance with this privacy policy, you agree to our company's use of your personal information, including services operated by our company under the name "Fair Supporter" (hereinafter referred to as "this site"). By using our services (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Services"), you will voluntarily provide your personal information.
① Information about customers of this service, etc.

  • To manage customers or influencers in this service
  • Provision of this service to customers, etc. (including delivery of products, packaging/shipping work, and after-sales service) and notifications, confirmations, and other communications necessary for service operation (including sending direct mail and e-mail) for
  • Registration for this service, customer identity verification, and correction or update of registered information
  • To contact and provide information regarding this service to customers, etc.
  • To implement campaigns, sweepstakes, surveys, or maintenance related to this service.
  • To deliver products, etc. ordered on this site, and perform other operations necessary for delivering products, etc. (including outsourcing delivery of products, etc. to a third party).
  • To introduce new products and research, develop, and implement new services or products, etc.
  • To provide information regarding this service, products, etc. to customers, etc.
  • To request the price of products, etc. or other consideration from customers, or to make refunds or other payments by our company to customers.
  • To distribute advertisements, promote or solicit sales for products, etc. or this service (including e-mail magazines)
  • To help improve this service
  • To investigate and analyze the usage status of this service
  • To supervise, investigate, and respond to acts prohibited by the contract, terms of use, etc. of this service, such as use of this service for illegal purposes.
  • To receive inquiries and confirmations from our company that are necessary for the operation of this service, and to obtain opinions for improving the service.
  • To create data that cannot identify individuals, such as statistical data.
  • Development of services related to this service and electronic commerce (hereinafter referred to as "EC") provided by our company and our affiliates, and marketing activities such as statistics, analysis, and questionnaires for the purpose of improving services, etc. For
  • To improve the security and quality of EC-related services provided by our company and our partners.
  • To respond to various inquiries from customers and resolve disputes.
  • For purposes incidental to the above purposes

② Employee information

  • For labor management and internal procedures
  • For payment of salaries, bonuses, etc.
  • For business communications
  • For notifications, reports, etc. to government agencies
  • To investigate and respond to acts prohibited by work regulations, employment contracts, etc.
  • For purposes incidental to the above purposes

③ Employment applicant information

  • For recruitment screening, contacting schedules, etc., and notification of recruitment results.
  • To carry out joining procedures
  • For purposes incidental to the above purposes

④ Outsourcing contractor information

  • For business communications
  • For payment of outsourcing fees, etc.
  • To investigate and respond to acts prohibited by contracts, etc.
  • For purposes incidental to the above purposes

3. Restrictions on the use of personal information <br>Our company will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use set forth in the preceding article without obtaining the prior consent of the individual. However, this does not apply in the following cases.

  • When based on laws and regulations
  • When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question.
  • When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
  • In cases where it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, local government, or a person entrusted by them in carrying out the affairs stipulated by law, obtaining the consent of the person concerned will hinder the execution of the affairs. When there is a risk of
  • When providing statistical information that cannot identify individuals to a third party

4. Provision of personal information to third parties <br>Except in the following cases and other cases permitted under the Personal Information Protection Act, we will not provide personal information to third parties without obtaining the consent of the individual in advance. will not be disclosed or provided to. However, information that does not fall under the category of provision to third parties under the Personal Information Protection Act, such as external contractors to whom we entrust all or part of the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use of personal information. This is not the case.

  • When based on laws and regulations
  • When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question.
  • When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
  • In cases where it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, local government, or a person entrusted by them in carrying out the affairs stipulated by law, obtaining the consent of the person concerned will hinder the execution of the affairs. When there is a risk of

5. Supervision of subcontractors <br>As stated in the previous article, our company may provide some personal information to external subcontractors in order to carry out business operations such as providing products and services to customers. In that case, we will manage the outsourcing company to ensure that it handles personal information appropriately.

6. Management of personal information <br>In order to prevent leakage, loss, damage, etc. of personal information, our company has appointed a personal information protection manager and strives to ensure sufficient safety and security. We will also appropriately manage the personal information we receive to keep it up to date.

7. Regarding information such as cookies and analysis tools <br>In order to improve the quality of our services, our company uses cookies and other similar technologies on this website, and uses the following ad technologies and analysis tools. (hereinafter referred to as "Analysis Tools"). We may provide analysis tool providers with information about you that does not by itself identify you as a specific individual. For information on how cookies are collected and used by analysis tools, please refer to the privacy policy set by the provider of the analysis tool. Depending on the provider of the analysis tool, there may be cases in which the provider of the analysis tool has made its own methods available for stopping the acquisition or provision of information by the analysis tool (including the following methods). Please note that if you choose not to use cookies, the functionality available on this site may be limited.

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8. Inquiry, correction, or deletion of information content <br>If you wish to inquire, correct, or delete personal information that you have provided to us, we will do so after confirming your identity. In cases stipulated by the Personal Information Protection Act, we will respond promptly within a reasonable range.

9. Disclaimer <br>The Company is not responsible for any damage caused if the person discloses personal information to a third party using the functions of this service or other means.

10. Revisions We may revise all or part of this privacy policy. If there are any important changes, we will notify you on this website, so please check the latest version of this privacy policy from time to time when using this service.

11. Inquiry Desk <br>For inquiries regarding this privacy policy or the requests set forth in the preceding paragraph, please contact the following contact point.
Contact information: