Fair Supporter Terms of Use

The "Terms of Use" (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") stipulated by Web-san LLC (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") apply to the website operated by the Company under the name of "Fair Supporter" ( https ://fair-supporter.jp/ ( hereinafter referred to as "this site"), including the changed domain in the event that the domain of the website is changed for any reason. The terms and conditions regarding the use of the Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") are established between the customer using the Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer") and the Company.
When using this service, the customer must comply with these terms and conditions, and by registering as a member of this service, the customer is deemed to have agreed to these terms.

Article 1 Agreement to Terms and Conditions 1 When using this service, the customer shall agree to these Terms and Conditions (including terms and conditions related to these Terms and Conditions, such as the privacy policy; the same shall apply hereinafter), and shall agree to these Terms and Conditions and any other instructions separately provided by the Company. Please use this service in accordance with the following.
2 If you are a minor, you must obtain the consent of a legal representative such as a parent or guardian to these Terms before using the Service. In addition, if a customer who was a minor at the time of agreeing to these Terms uses this service after reaching the age of majority, the customer will be deemed to have confirmed the use of the service while the customer was a minor.
3 Even if a part of these Terms is determined to be invalid by laws and regulations (meaning laws, regulations, notices, guidelines, guidelines, and other judicial and administrative regulations; the same shall apply hereinafter), such invalidity shall apply. The provisions other than those mentioned above shall remain in effect, and your consent to the remaining parts shall also remain in effect.
4 The Company may change these Terms at any time pursuant to the provisions of Article 548-4 of the Civil Code. The Company shall post the revised Terms on this site at least 14 days before the effective date of the change, and such changes shall become effective from the effective date of the posted change. shall occur. When using this service, please check the latest version of these Terms from time to time.
5. The Company shall not be responsible for any disadvantages or damages caused to customers due to changes to these Terms.

Article 2 Use of the Service 1 To use the Service, the customer must register as a member through this website or other method specified by the Company, and apply for the use of the Service by entering or registering the necessary information. there is. You must enter correct information to ensure that there are no errors in the information you input or register, and our company will not be responsible for any damage or disadvantage to you due to errors in the information.
2. If the customer registers as a member in the preceding paragraph and the Company accepts the application to use the Service, a contract regarding the use of the Service will be established. Furthermore, even if the Company does not accept an application to use the Service, the Company is not obligated to explain the reasons for not accepting the application.
3. Customers shall be solely responsible for the use and management of the ID and password assigned to them by the Company. Use of this service using the relevant ID and password shall be deemed to be use by the customer, and the customer shall consent to this in advance.
4. Customers shall not allow any third party to use the ID and password assigned to them, and shall not transfer, set collateral, or otherwise dispose of them in any way.
5 If the Company determines that the Customer falls under any of the following, the Company shall suspend the use of all or part of the Service, cancel the sales contract, or take other necessary measures without prior notice to the Customer. It is assumed that you can take it. Please note that our company is not responsible for any damage caused to customers as a result of this.
(1) If there is an error in the entered or registered information and we cannot contact you.
(2) If there is no ability to pay, insolvency, insolvency, commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, commencement of civil rehabilitation proceedings, commencement of corporate reorganization proceedings, commencement of special liquidation, or other petitions for the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, resolution to dissolve or if the business is suspended.
(3) If the person has violated these Terms in the past and has been suspended from using the Service.
(4) If you do not have the ability to effectively perform legal acts, or if you do not meet the legal requirements to effectively perform legal acts, such as when a minor enters into these Terms without the consent of a parent or guardian.
(5) If there is a request from a credit card company or other payment provider to suspend your use of the Service.
(6) If a credit card company or other payment service provider takes measures to suspend the use of payment or collection agency services.
(7) If the customer fails to pay for products, etc., engages in any of the prohibited acts set forth in Article 6, or otherwise violates any of the provisions of these Terms.
(8) If the person is an anti-social force such as an organized crime group mentioned below, a person who has a close relationship with such a person, or a person equivalent to these.
(9) If there is no response for more than 30 days even though we have contacted you requesting a response.
(10) In other cases where the Company deems that the Customer's use of the Service is reasonably inappropriate 6. The Customer shall be notified that there has been a change in the information registered when registering as a member as stipulated in paragraph 1. In such case, you shall promptly contact the Company in accordance with the prescribed procedures.
7. Customers may purchase products, etc. sold on this site (hereinafter referred to as "products, etc.") on this site, subject to the conditions established by our company. When a customer makes an application to purchase a product, etc., the Company will send notification emails necessary for providing this service (membership registration completion email, order confirmation email, shipping notification email, etc.) regarding this service. (hereinafter referred to as "notification email") will be sent to the customer. In addition to email notifications, the Company may also provide mail magazines, questionnaires, etc. containing notices regarding the Service, information regarding products, etc. to customers who have registered as members at times and timings arbitrarily selected by the Company. Notices (hereinafter referred to as "email magazines") may be delivered or distributed by email, inclusion in products, etc. Please note that you can choose not to receive email newsletters.
8. Customers shall use this service and prepare the necessary communication environment and terminal equipment at their own discretion, responsibility, and expense.
9. When using this Service, there will be no usage fee for this Service, other than the price of the product, consumption tax, shipping fee, handling fee depending on the payment method, etc. However, if our company stipulates otherwise on the pages of individual products, etc. on this site, those stipulations shall apply.
10 Our company may terminate or change all or part of this service at any time at our discretion.
11 Computer virus damage that cannot be prevented by reasonable computer virus countermeasures, force majeure such as natural disasters, external factors caused by payment providers, etc., system maintenance related to this service, network line congestion, providers, etc. If there is a problem with the service or if the Company deems it necessary, the Company may suspend or cancel the provision of all or part of the Service by notifying the customer in advance. However, in the event of an emergency, prior notification to the customer may be omitted, and in the cases stipulated in Article 4, Paragraph 6 or Paragraph 7, the provisions of the respective said provisions shall apply.
12 The Company shall not be liable for any damage or disadvantage to the Customer arising from the Company's measures pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs.

Article 3 Purchase/Payment for Products, etc. 1. Applications for the purchase of products, etc. by customers shall be made through this website in a manner specified by the Company, and after being received by the Company's server via the Internet line, the details of the application will be processed. A sales contract will be deemed to be concluded when the notification is recorded in our system and we send a notice of acceptance using the method specified by our company. Furthermore, the Company shall not be responsible for any damage or disadvantage to the Customer due to the content of the Customer's application not being recorded in the Company's system.
2. After the sales contract is established, the customer may not withdraw or cancel the application for the sales contract for his own convenience.
3. After the sales contract is established, the customer shall pay for the products, etc. by the deadline in accordance with the method separately determined by the Company. If payment for the products, etc. is not made by the relevant deadline, the Company may cancel the sales contract.
4. Ownership of the products, etc. purchased by the customer shall be transferred to the customer at the later of the time the product, etc. is delivered to the customer or the time the customer completes payment for the product, etc. Except for matters separately stipulated in these Terms, the Company is not responsible for any events that occur after ownership is transferred.
5 If the customer does not receive the purchased product, etc., regardless of the reason, such as refusal of receipt or long-term absence of the customer, the Company may re-deliver the product, store it for a certain period of time, then dispose of it, or take other necessary measures. I assume that. Please note that you may be required to pay for any costs incurred by us due to redelivery, disposal, or other disposal. Furthermore, for the avoidance of doubt, the measures such as redistribution and storage stipulated in this paragraph will be taken by the Company at its discretion, and the Company will take these measures not only in the case of Paragraph 3 of the following article. There is no obligation.
6. Based on the preceding paragraph, if the Company stores the Products, etc. purchased by the Customer for a certain period of time, the Company shall not be held responsible for any deterioration or change in quality of the Products, etc.

Article 4 Delivery 1 The Company will deliver the Products, etc. to the address in Japan entered by the Customer using the prescribed method. Regarding matters related to delivery, we shall comply with the conditions separately established by our company or the delivery company or other third party to whom we have entrusted delivery.
2 In principle, shipping charges shall be borne by the customer, but if stipulated on the individual product page, this shall be followed.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 1, if any of the following items apply, the Company's obligation to deliver the Products, etc. shall be deemed to have been fulfilled, and the Company shall have no obligation to re-deliver the Products. The customer shall pay the full amount of charges for products, etc. and shipping charges for this service.
(1) If the product, etc. is returned to the Company or the third party that delivered the product due to the customer registering incorrect or inaccurate customer information or specifying the address pursuant to paragraph 1. (2) The customer Due to delay in receipt or refusal of receipt (including cases where the product, etc. is returned despite not meeting the conditions for return specified in these terms and conditions), the product, etc. may be returned to us or the third party that delivered the product, etc. (3) In addition to the cases stipulated in the previous item, if the product, etc. is returned for no reason attributable to our company. (4) When you request re-delivery of the product, etc. in cases that fall under any of the items in the preceding article. is an order for a new product, etc., and the customer must separately pay the full price of the product, etc. and shipping fee. In this case, the Company shall be able to reship the product, etc. after payment of the shipping fee has been confirmed, with the customer paying the shipping fee as appropriate using the cash on delivery method, etc.
5 Delivery of products, etc. may be delayed due to traffic conditions, climate, natural disasters, or other reasons, and as a result, the products, etc. may not arrive by the delivery date specified by the Company or a third party to whom the Company entrusts delivery. You agree to the following. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused to the customer due to delays in the delivery of products, etc., unless there are reasons attributable to the Company.
6 Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, if the customer purchases a product, etc. through this service, and the product, etc. is out of stock, the product, etc. will be delivered to the customer designated by the Company or a third party to whom the Company entrusts delivery. If it is difficult to deliver the product by the specified date, we may cancel the delivery indefinitely by notifying the customer to that effect, and we will not be obligated to deliver the product after such notification. will do.
7. In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall purchase the Products, etc. for which delivery has been suspended, and if it is determined that it is possible to sell the Products in accordance with the details of the purchase, the Company shall resume delivery of the Products, etc., and We will notify the customer accordingly.
8 In the case of Paragraph 6, the customer may cancel the sales contract for the product at any time by giving advance notice in accordance with the procedures established by the Company until the notice of resumption pursuant to the preceding paragraph is given. In this case, the Company shall promptly refund the price of the products, etc. related to the canceled sales contract to the customer, and shall not be responsible for any damage caused to other customers.
9 Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, if the customer purchases a product, etc. through this service, and the production of the product, etc. has already been discontinued, by notifying the customer to that effect, the product, etc. shall cancel the sales contract. In this case, the Company shall promptly refund the price of the products, etc. related to the canceled sales contract to the customer, and shall not be responsible for any damage caused to other customers.

Article 5 Returns/Exchanges 1 Our company will only return or exchange the products in question if there is a reason attributable to our company, such as a defect in the product, a delivered product that differs from the customer's order, etc. We will take care of the following.
2. If you wish to make a return or exchange as described in the preceding paragraph, please contact us within one month from the date of arrival of the product, etc., according to the method separately determined by us. Our company will respond to returns and exchanges only if the customer contacts us within the specified period from the date of delivery of the product.
3. We cannot accept requests for returns or exchanges due to the customer's convenience. In addition, if there are conditions stipulated on the product details page, such conditions shall be followed.

Article 6 Prohibited Acts 1 The Company prohibits customers from the following acts (hereinafter referred to as "Prohibited Acts"). If the customer engages in any of the following acts, or if the Company determines that there is a risk of such acts, the customer may be refused use of this service.
(1) Acts that violate these terms and conditions, laws and regulations, or the terms of use and other contractual conditions established by a third party regarding products, etc.
(2) Acts that harm public order or good morals.
(3) When using this service, registering false or incomplete information, lending an ID, password or account to a third party, acquiring or using a third party's ID, password or account.
(4) Acts of fraudulently using credit cards or other payment methods
(5) Acts of purchasing products, etc. for commercial purposes, such as resale or resale.
(6) Acts that cause or are likely to cause inconvenience, disadvantage, or damage to other customers, third parties, or the Company, such as slander and defamation.
(7) Acts of using this service for advertising activities, etc.
(8) Acts of acquiring information of other customers or third parties beyond the scope necessary for using this service.
(9) Acts of transmitting, displaying, etc. personal information beyond the scope necessary for using this service
(10) Acts that interfere with our business, such as applying without the intention of doing business, purchasing products, etc. even though you do not have the financial means to pay for them, and registering multiple members without authorization.
(11) Acts of spreading rumors, using fraudulent means, or using force, acts of unreasonable demands beyond legal responsibility, acts of using violence or threatening words and actions.
(12) Acts of copying, reprinting, redistributing, etc. without prior written consent from the Company, regardless of whether or not this service and information on this service is a copyrighted work.
(13) Acts that infringe on intellectual property rights and other rights of the Company, other customers, or third parties.
(14) Acts of posting tools, programs, etc. that destroy or interfere with the functions of software, hardware, etc. used by the Company, other customers, or third parties.
(15) Reverse engineering, decompilation, disassembly and other similar acts regarding the Service.
(16) Acts that destroy or interfere with the functions of this service, our server, or network.
(17) Use of operations not intended by the Company (including, but not limited to, defects, bugs, and malfunctions), intentionally falsified data, or programs not approved by the Company (hereinafter referred to as “ (referred to as "unauthorized use") for the purpose of obtaining profit for oneself or a third party.
(18) Developing, distributing, and using tools and programs for the purpose of unauthorized use, or acts that induce, solicit, or assist third parties to perform these acts, or acts that are likely to do so.
(19) Acts of using this service for a purpose different from the original purpose of providing the service.
(20) Acts that cause trouble to our server or network system.
(21) Acts of using, creating, distributing, selling, etc. external tools that affect the Service, technical means not provided by the Company such as BOT, or modified terminals, and using these to operate the Service. Acts of fraudulent operation
(22) Acts that aim to intentionally induce or exploit defects in the Service, or acts that use the Service for purposes not intended by the Service.
(23) Acts that directly or indirectly provide profits to antisocial forces in connection with this service.
(24) Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate based on reasonable grounds 2. If the Company determines that the customer has committed any of the prohibited acts specified in the items of the preceding paragraph, the Company shall not notify the customer in advance. The Company may suspend the use of the Service by the Customer, cancel all contracts related to these Terms (including sales contracts for products, etc.), cancel applications, and take other measures that the Company deems necessary. will do. In this case, our company will not be responsible for any damage or disadvantage caused to the customer.

Article 7 Copyright/Trademark Rights and Other Intellectual Property Rights 1 Copyright regarding the words, images, designs, etc. used in this service (including the rights stipulated in Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Act). ), trademark rights, patent rights, design rights, utility model rights, and other intellectual property rights (hereinafter referred to as "intellectual property rights") belong to the Company or other legitimate rights holders such as copyright holders. Therefore, permission to use this service does not mean permission to use intellectual property rights beyond the scope necessary for using this service.
2. The Customer shall not engage in any act that infringes upon intellectual property rights or other rights belonging to the Company or any third party.
3 In the event that a problem arises with a right holder or a third party in violation of the provisions of this article, the customer shall resolve the problem at his or her own responsibility and expense, unless the reason is for reasons attributable to the Company. , shall not cause any inconvenience or damage to our company.
4. If the Customer loses his or her eligibility to use the Service due to termination of this Agreement due to deletion of membership registration or other reasons, the right to use the Service shall also be terminated.

Article 8 Handling of information 1 The Company shall appropriately handle the personal information of customers regarding the use of this service in accordance with the privacy policy established by the Company ( https://fair-supporter.jp/pages/privacy ). agree to this.
2. The Company shall provide customer registration information, transaction history, and other information necessary for investigation of fraudulent use of the Service and criminal investigation to payment service providers and collection agencies as necessary, to the extent permitted by laws and regulations. may be disclosed to victims of unauthorized use and investigative agencies.
3 In addition to the case in the preceding paragraph, if the Company hands over the operation of the Service to a third party, the Company may disclose and provide the information set forth in the preceding paragraph to the third party to the extent permitted by laws and regulations. shall be able to do so.

Article 9 Disclaimer 1 Customers acknowledge that the appearance, shape, color, etc. of products, etc. may differ between the screen display on this website and the actual product.
2 This Service (for the avoidance of doubt, this includes products sold through this Service; hereinafter the same shall apply in this article) is provided as is, and each function of this Service is subject to change at the time of provision. Our company can provide the following information. The Company shall not provide the Customer with any information regarding the Service, including whether the Service is suitable for the Customer's specific purpose, has the expected functions, achieves the expected results, does not cause any defects, and the results of use. We also make no guarantees.
3 The Company guarantees that the Service is safe, reliable, accurate, complete, effective, suitability for a particular purpose, that there are no defects, errors, bugs, or infringements of rights related to security, etc., and that the quality of the products, etc. We make no warranties, express or implied, regarding functionality, compatibility with other products, etc.
4 Customers shall back up their own data at their own expense and responsibility. The Company shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage of data due to the use of this Service, regardless of the reason.
5 The Customer shall not violate any laws and regulations applicable to the Customer or the self-regulations applicable to the Customer (including, but not limited to, contract conditions such as terms of use established by a third party) when using the Service. The Company shall confirm this at its own expense and responsibility, and the Company shall not make any guarantees or assume any responsibility in this regard.
6 The Company does not guarantee the accuracy, up-to-dateness, legality, comprehensiveness, usefulness, etc. of the information on websites linked to by links displayed within this service. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused to customers from such linked websites.
7. The Company shall not be liable even if the Service becomes temporarily or long-term unavailable, or if the Service itself is suspended or terminated due to the following causes:
(1) Damage caused by computer viruses, cyber attacks, etc. that cannot be prevented by reasonable computer virus countermeasures, natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, lightning, heavy rain, floods, wars, acts of terrorism, revolutions, labor disputes, etc. In the case of force majeure such as infectious diseases such as the new coronavirus (including measures and requests by the government and local governments regarding these events)
(2) When performing temporary or large-scale maintenance of systems necessary for the operation of this service.
(3) In case of network line congestion, provider failure, etc.
(4) Cases due to other problems related to the operation of this service 8 If the customer causes damage to a third party by using this service, unless there is a reason attributable to the Company, the Company shall not We will not be held responsible, and we will resolve the issue at your own risk and expense, and you will not cause any inconvenience to our company.
9 Our company is legally obligated to compensate customers for damages caused by reasons attributable to our company (our company is obligated to compensate for damages due to the provision of these terms and conditions exempting our company being judged to be invalid). For the avoidance of doubt, the provision in these Terms that exempts the Company from liability stipulates cases where the Company is deemed not to have acted intentionally or negligently.) To the extent permitted by law, the obligation to compensate for damages shall be limited to the price of products actually received in the past three months from the time the cause of compensation occurred, and shall be limited to the scope of damages directly and actually suffered by the customer. We shall not be liable for any other damages. However, if damage is caused to the customer due to intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company, even if the provisions of these Terms (including the main text of this section) stipulate that the Company is exempt from liability, the Company shall compensate the customer for such damage. .

Article 10 Communication Means 1 If the Company determines that it is necessary to notify or contact the customer, the Company shall notify or contact the customer by posting on this service or this site, or by sending an email to the email address/address registered as customer information. The Company shall notify or contact you by any method it deems appropriate, such as by sending an email or document. You agree that we may use your registered information to provide such notifications or communications.
Inquiries regarding this service can be made here.
2. Notices or communications made by the method set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be made in the former case at the time the notification content is posted on this website, and in the latter case at the time the Company sends the e-mail or document. shall take effect.

Article 11 Deletion of membership registration <br>Customers may delete their membership registration and withdraw from this service at any time by following the prescribed procedures specified by our company. In addition, if there are any unshipped products, etc., the customer's obligations under these Terms shall continue until the Company completes shipping of the products, etc. and the customer's payment for the products has been completed.

Article 12 Changes to the Service 1 The Company may make changes or additions to the Service at its discretion.
2. Due to changes or additions to the Service specified in the preceding paragraph, we do not guarantee that all functions and performance of the Service before the change will be maintained, and if we discontinue all of the Service, the Company will We will notify or announce this in advance by email or by posting on this site.
3. The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Customer due to changes or additions pursuant to Paragraph 1.

Article 13 (Contents and specifications)
Our company may change the content and specifications of this service (including content and specifications related to support for this service) without prior notice, and customers may not object to this.

Article 14 (Delegation)
The Company may, at its discretion, outsource all or part of the work related to the Service to a third party.

Article 15 (Confidentiality)
1.You may not use any information that is clearly stated to be confidential at the time of disclosure by the Company in connection with these Terms (hereinafter referred to as "Confidential Information") for any purpose other than the purpose of using the Service without the consent of the Company. It must not be used, disclosed or leaked to a third party.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the following information shall not be included as confidential information. However, personal information shall be considered confidential information even if it falls under any of the following.
(1) Information that was publicly known at the time of disclosure or knowledge (2) Information that became public knowledge after being disclosed or becoming aware of it for reasons not attributable to the customer (3) ) Information that was already known at the time of disclosure or knowledge (4) Information that was obtained from a third party with legitimate authority (5) Information that was created, developed, etc. without using confidential information Information 3 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, you may disclose Confidential Information based on the order, request, or request of law, court, or government agency.

Article 16 (Validity period)
The effective period of this Agreement shall begin from the time the contract for the use of the Service is established pursuant to Article 2, and shall begin when the Customer withdraws from membership, cancels registration, terminates any other contract regarding the Service, or terminates the Service itself. Until it is finished.

Article 17 (Exclusion of anti-social forces)
1. The customer represents and warrants that the following items do not apply, and pledges that they will not fall under any of the following items in the future.
(1) Being an antisocial force.
(2) Having a socially reprehensible relationship with antisocial forces.
(3) Five years have not passed since the previous two items ceased to apply.
(4) Performing the following acts or acts equivalent to these against the Company, either by themselves or by using a third party.
① Acts of violent demands ② Acts of unreasonable demands that exceed legal responsibility ③ Acts of threatening behavior or using violence regarding transactions ④ Spreading rumors, using fraudulent means, or using force, 2. If the customer violates the preceding paragraph, the company may cancel the customer's registration with this service, and the company will not be liable for any damages incurred by the company. You may claim compensation for.
3. The Company shall not be responsible for any damage caused to the Customer due to the cancellation of registration pursuant to the preceding paragraph.

Article 18 (Survival Clause)
Even if this Agreement is terminated, Article 1, Section 5, Section 2, Section 1, second sentence, Section 2, Section 2, Section 3, Section 1, Section 4, Section 5, Section 2, and Paragraph 12, Article 3, Paragraph 1, second sentence, Paragraph 4, Second sentence, Paragraphs 5 and 6, Article 4, Paragraph 3, Paragraph 5, Paragraph 6, Paragraph 8, second sentence and Section 9, second sentence, Sections 6 to 10, Section 11, second sentence, Section 12, Section 3, Section 15, Section 17, Section 3, this Section, Sections 19 and 20. The provisions up to Section 1 shall remain in effect. However, Article 15 shall remain in effect only for three years after the termination of this Agreement.

Article 19 (Transfer of rights and obligations)
1. Unless you have our company's prior consent, you may not transfer, succeed to, set collateral for, or otherwise dispose of your rights or obligations under this Agreement or your status under this Agreement to a third party. You can't.
2 When the Company transfers the business related to the Service to a third party, the Company will transfer the status, rights and obligations under this Agreement, as well as all information regarding the customer, to the transferee of the business. It may be transferred, and the customer agrees to this in advance.

Article 20 Governing Law/Jurisdiction 1 The interpretation and application of these Terms shall be in accordance with Japanese law.
2. For disputes that arise between our company and customers, the Tokyo District Court shall have the exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance.

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